
Here are my rules on comments:

  1. I encourage you to leave comments on posts and pages. Point out my mistakes, typos and grammatical errors.
  2. I will delete any comment that I find vulgar, offensive, or libelous.
  3. Comments get published automatically unless they get caught in the spam comment filter. Occasionally, a good comment does end up in the spam filter and with the hundreds of spam comments that try to get published each day. Sorry.
  4. Comments have <no follow> tag a so leaving a comment merely for SEO reasons is a waste of your time and my time.
  5. I delete comments that are just trying to drive internet traffic to a site.
  6. If you are in the compliance field or legal field and leave comment spam in violation of rule #5, I may call you out for engaging in such a poor business practice. You are putting yourself among the unsavory comment spammers try to sell erectile dysfunction drugs and other unsavory products. You make the rest of the compliance and legal field look bad by doing so.
  7. Currently you do not need to register, leave your name or leave an email address to leave a comment. I will not try to seek out your identity. Your IP address is shown to me on the blog platform, so I could possibly find out where the comment came from. I won’t bother unless you are violating Rule #5.
  8. I do occasionally block IP addresses that generate lots of spam comments.

2 thoughts on “Comments”

  1. I live a couple of houses away from the Charles, at the corner of Haywood and Meade Sts in Milford and just came across your blog about kyacking the Charles. Its really in much better shape these days and much fuller than when you saw it and is due to be dredged and soon be navigable from the beginning in Old Man Emmit’s cellar (whos granddaughter has a PhD in architecture from MIT, no less!) to the dam at Hayward though it still does run under Rt 16 for a ways. It’s still heavily eutropified but plans are to start dredging at the end of next month and turn it into a recreation spot like it used to be. Right now the big feature is battles between giant turtles (we’re talking shells the size of garbage can lids) at the dam.
    So check back in late fall/early spring and you’ll be able to add a couple of miles and see some nice scenery. There’s a new boat launching ramp at Plain’s Park on Rt 85.
    Ed Eck

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