Occupy Boston is Back…..

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Occupy Boston - Not

No, it’s not.

“March 1st and March 2nd, NBC Studios will be in Norman B. Leventhal Park to film large crowd scenes for the pilot of their television series “Odyssey”. While filming will only be on the weekends, certain production work will take place during the week. Any set design or props in the Park are part of the “Odyssey” set.”

Apparently, the “crowd scenes” must be an Occupy Boston or Occupy Wall Street scene for the story.

Author: Doug Cornelius

You can find out more about Doug on the About Doug page

One thought on “Occupy Boston is Back…..”

  1. Who the hell would let anyone do this, PO square will now be a target of occupy Boston and probably a future site of Occupy Boston, BTW everyone thank PO square for letting the neighbors know this was going to happen, BPD responded in full force including SWAT team.

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