Today is the Deadline for the Massachusetts Data Privacy Law

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March 1 is the compliance deadline for the Massachusetts Data Privacy Law. 201 CMR 17.00 requires you to be in full compliance on or before January 1, 2009 January 1, 2010 March 1, 2010.

If your company receives, stores, maintains, processes or otherwise has access to “personal information” acquired in connection with employment or with the provision of goods or services to a Massachusetts resident you are subject to the requirements of .

If you have employees or customers in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, then you are subject to this law. The law is not restricted to companies located in Massachusetts. But if you are located in Massachusetts then you have Massachusetts employees and their personal information, making you subject to the requirements of the law.

The law is a bit watered down since its initial form, but you still need to pay attention to it. There are some reasonableness standards in the requirements that make it easier to comply. You still need a policy, need to inventory your stores of “personal information” and educate your employees about the importance of safeguarding personal information.

The Office of Consumer Affairs and Regulation has published a handy 201 CMR 17.00 Compliance Checklist (.pdf).

You should also review and be familiar with the law itself contained in 201 CMR 17.00 Standards for the Protection of Personal Information (.pdf).

Since today is March 1, you still have a few hours to get things in place to be compliant with the law. If you haven’t done taken the proper steps, stop reading and go do it.

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Author: Doug Cornelius

You can find out more about Doug on the About Doug page

One thought on “Today is the Deadline for the Massachusetts Data Privacy Law”

  1. One way to cover encryption requirements is Voltage SecureMail.

    With Voltage SecureMail you can easily send encrypted email to anyone.

    Voltage SecureMail has Outlook plug-ins or you can use a web interface for sending encrypted email. Messages are completely controlled by the sender and recipient in their sent folder and inbox. No messages are stored on servers.

    Recipients don’t need any special software to decrypt and read their messages, just a browser. And recipients don’t need to pay to read their email. In fact, recipients even get free support from Voltage. It’s much easier to use than PGP, S/MIME or other older solutions…and just as secure…which is probably why they can afford to offer free support to their customers and recipients.

    It’s an ideal solution to help address state privacy regulations in Massachusetts and Nevada as well as the more general HIPAA, SOX, PCI requirements, etc.

    There is even a free trial at:

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