Paying a Bribe? There’s an App for that

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Can you crowdsource the fight against corruption? An international team coming from Estonia, Lithuania, Finland and Iran thinks you might. They created a smartphone app that allows people to anonymously report incidences of bribery and later see the data visualized on an interactive map.

Bribespot is an app that allows you to see how much corruption is going on around. Using your smartphone (or a website) you can report locations where bribes are requested/paid, indicate the size of a bribe and area of government affected by it.

At the moment you can use Bribespot on Android, but they have not finished the iPhone app. There is no mention of a blackberry app.

In poking around the data, I found three reports in the United States.

  • Made to pay $100 (~75 euro) to get a fake ID back from a bouncer at Fat Tuesday
  • 35 EUR To cut the line at Pianos
  • 70 EUR for 3 guys to cut the line at Southside

Those are not exactly riveting incidents.

On the other hand, there are many reports coming in from Lithuania and Romania in Bribespot’s Check-in Stream.


Author: Doug Cornelius

You can find out more about Doug on the About Doug page

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